Hi, missed your comment!
Regarding #2, the big new product: as I hinted in the post, with 3 devs for 3 months, you have 9 dev months. After a buffer, you’re left with 5 months at most. Investing 4 of them in a new product means you’re NOT investing in your current product, which, assuming things are going well (you are in a growth stage), is probably too much of a gamble.
Regarding the moonshot at #8 — it’s still 2 months for a moonshot. And it’s a 2-year vision. I’d wait 6–9 months, get some more funding and more developers, and then, when I have 6–7 developers, that’s when I would invest the time to build that kick-ass MVP.
When you have 3 developers, to me, it’s all about focus. Gambles are great a little bit down the road, IMO.